Corporate Liquidity Management
Manage Cash liquidity across your operations easily and efficiently.
Concentrate and Consolidate your Liquidity across the Kingdom and the world.
A Cash consolidation tool to forecast and manage Corporate liquidity and help in calculating Investment Appetite. Gain Visibility on your current and future cash positions.
Improve Cash Liquidity by Centralizing corporate treasury management.
Key Characteristics and Benefits:
- A holistic view of balances for cash decisions.
- To churn up (activate) Idle balances.
- STP at both client and bank side.
- Holistic reporting of all accounts as part of the liquidity structure.
- Ability to link external bank accounts as well as part of the liquidity structure.
- No Integration required as this is part of Al Rajhi Business Banking Services.
- Handles both sweeping and Cash Consolidation.
- Displays an Overall snapshot of the corporate's current cash liquidity.
- Automated payments between account including Subsidiary company accounts.
- Best Liability garnering tool for Corporates.
- Ability to execute on daily basis through six time windows a day with options of on demand execution as well.
Corporate Liquidity Management within Al Rajhi Business:
Create\Maintain Account Structures.
- Setup Standing Instructions.
- Add\Remove Accounts within the Structure./li>
- Detailed Reports.
- Overall Account Statements.
- Setup Consolidation Structures.