Dependent Account

Dependent Account

Dependent Account

It is an electronic service that allows the existing customers (parents only) to open a current account for his children with limited privileges using the alrajhi bank app. The age of eligibility is from the date of birth till the age of 15.

Benefits of a dependent account

  1. The possibility of determining the amount to be deducted for the beneficiary with ease
  2. Issuance of an ATM card
  3. Domestic deposit and transfer.
  4. Pay bills.
  5. Payment via POS and online.
  6. To register and activate in the Mubasher service.

Requirements to issue a dependent account

  1. Have an existing checking account


    How can I open a dependent account?
  1. You can open a dependent account using the alrajhi bank digital app
  2. Can you open more than one account for all dependents?

  3. Yes, you can open more than one account using
  4. Can I issue a mada card for the dependent?

  5. Yes, a mada ATM card can be issued through self-service machines.
  6. Can you conduct international transfers?

  7. No, you can’t conduct international transfer
  8. Can the dependent apply for financing products such as credit cards and all financing services?

  9. No, the dependent will not be able to request all financing services.
  10. Fees

  11. The dependent account service is free of charge and without administrative fees.
  12. How to open an account

  13. Dependent account can be opened through Al Rajhi Bank App or visiting nearest Alrajhi Bank Branch