Without crossing the doorstep
Don’t have an alrajhi bank account? Create one now
Without crossing the doorstep
Smart Saving
Build your savings automatically
Smart saving is an easy to make your everyday purchases part of your saving plan. With different ways to add to your savings account with each purchase, it’s the smart way to save that fits your lifestyle. .
All you need to get started:
- A checking account
- A Hassad account, if you don’t you can open one instantly through the alrajhi bank app
Start smart saving today:
- Click on Current Account
- Click on “More Options”
- Under Requests, click on “Smart Saving Service”
- Choose the the saving plan that you like
Smart saving Calculator
The below calculator can give you an idea of how your savings are calculated:Don’t have an alrajhi bank account? Create one now
Watch the Savings add up
Select typical weekly Purchases to Calculate your savings
Total savings within a week = 0 SAR
Total savings within a year = 0 SAR