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Real Estate

National Day offer

Valid To 30/09/2024

About offer

Administration Fees and Appraisal Fees waiver for all Real Estate Products

Terms and Conditions

-Customer should be eligible for the offer as per bank’s internal policy.
-Apply during the time of the offer.
-Clean History in Simah.
-Finance period up to 360 months
-Min salary is SAR 5,000 for Personal finance
-Competitive profit margin.
-Completing your finance request in a timely manner.
-Allowing customers to benefit from all financing products and other services provided by ARB.
-Retiree customers are included in the offer
-The offer is available on all possible channels (branch and digital)
-Expats customers are included in the offer.
-Early Settlement is available at any time upon customer's request.
-Finance amount is up to SAR 5 million.
-Exemption of Finance Amount in case of passing away (God Forbid).

T&C apply

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